Want an easy, quick way to make a vegan or vegetarian lunch or supper? How about a black bean burger?
I never made a black bean burger before this attempt. Truthfully, I was hesitant. However, I loved every bite of it! Granted, it doesn’t taste like beef, but it was good. I was satisfied. I felt like I did my body something good.
If you want to make this sandwich for yourself, you can get the recipe here. (All I changed was to use gluten free rolled oats in place of instant oats).

Ya know, I love black bean burgers, but have never tackled them.
These are easy…let me know how you like them if you try them!
Hard to get and so I do when they are about so rarely. I substitute kidney beans and they are very nutritious but not quite the same.
Are they hugely different nutritional values? I would love to know more as there are no eggs, meat or fish in this cottage. A few of us down this way are like minded in this respect.