It’s Friday and I have another Fun Find to share with you.
I call it Purple Pudding! It’s a real treat around here. I have been making it since December whenever avocados are on sale. (Yeah for $0.29/avocado)!
Don’t freak out…this doesn’t taste like avocados at all. It is mostly blueberry flavored with a hint of chocolate. It will satisfy your need for something creamy. And it is healthy. I just love it when something decadent is healthy especially when it comes to feeding youngsters. They think they are getting a treat when they are getting a bowl full of nutrients!
I make the recipe as written here, but I leave off the coconut. Actually I should say I double the recipe. Otherwise there isn’t any left for me! 🙂

We like Avacado based chocolate pudding also. I’ll have to try it with blueberries.