Fabulous Roasted Pearl Onions

If you have not tried pearl onions you are missing out.  These little delectable onions are fabulous!  They are SWEET!  Seriously, even the biggest onion hater would like these.   Roasted pearl onions would make a great side dish for Christmas dinner or even an appetizer.  Well, any meal any time of the year for that matter!  Let’s not limit this to holidays!  (I even ate some for a...

Life With Food Allergies – Part 2

Realizing that your food allergies is a blessing was discussed in part one.  However, even though we are feeling better, we still have to deal with something; something unpleasant, something that can actually be very trying for a person with food allergies and sensitivities.  And that is the uninformed people.  The annoying ones who think they have all the answers, think you are fanatical, or...