Hello! This is from the blog of Allergy Free Test Kitchen. You may be subscribed, or follow on Facebook. Exciting news! It’s been renamed! Allergy Free Test Kitchen is now Living Free Health and Life.
Why the change? Allergy Free Test Kitchen started out as a food blog meant to avoid the top food allergens and intolerances…wheat/gluten, dairy, soy, tree nuts, corn etc. Then later on, recipes free of refined sugars were introduced.
What became known over time was that those recipes are really just healthy ways to eat regardless of food intolerances. Then I became interested in other topics of health and wellness. I went back to school and got my health and life coaching certificates. The blog took a long break.
Now it’s back as Living Free Health and Life. What does that mean for you?
Still great recipes…some new, some repurposed! We can LIVE FREE from the inflammatory foods with ease and deliciousness.
Here are other plans for the blog:
Friend or Foe Series—we can LIVE FREE from these dangerous foods
Modern Diets Explained Series—we can LIVE FREE while following a specific “diet”
Food Ingredients to Know Series—you can’t LIVE FREE if you don’t know these exciting ingredients
Healthy Living Topics—LIVE FREE while ditching some bad habits and creating new healthy habits
Healthy Minds—LIVE FREE while getting rid of limiting beliefs and nurturing your mind/soul
And I’m adding in a Faith and Family section because I know we can all LIVE FREE from guilt/shame, unruly children, being exasperated parents etc.
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