I have been making my own kitchen and bath cleaner for years now. It is so simple, very cost effective and all natural. And it is anti-bacterial to boot!
Start with 2 cups water.
Add 3 Tablespoons of regular (not anti-bacterial) liquid hand soap.
Add 20-30 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil.
Pour into a squirt bottle. (This is not my squirt bottle I use for my all natural kitchen cleaner. That bottle is too ugly to take a picture of. This bottle actually contains water and vinegar to clean my wood floors; another natural cleaner).
Tea tree oil seems expensive up front. But it lasts so long (we’re talking years) that it really balances out; making this a very inexpensive way to clean.
But better than that…this is natural; no nasty chemicals. Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil which has anti-bacterial properties.
I use it on my kitchen counters and sink. It can be used in the bathroom too (although if you have really tough soap scum it may not cut through it all).
Do you use all natural cleaners? Do you make your own? Do you think you will give it a try?
Also shared at Mostly Homemade Monday. Whole Foods Friday.
All Natural Anti-Bacterial Kitchen and Bath Cleaner
- 2 cups water
- 3 T. liquid hand soap (not anti-bacterial)
- 20-30 drops tea tree oil
- Mix all ingredients and pour into squirt bottle.
- Use to clean kitchen and bathroom.