Have you ever seen recipes that call for soy milk powder? I have seen a lot of those recipes. While we do not have allergies to soy, we like to avoid it most of the time (it mimics estrogen way too much). For whatever reason, I have never seen it stated anywhere that one could use rice milk powder. I did not even know there was such a thing until I was dairy free for over a year. So this is a “just so you know” post. There is such a thing as rice milk powder.
Rice milk powder can be used to make your own rice milk. I never do this. The powder can be expensive and buying rice milk already made is more affordable. However, it is a good product to have on hand. I use it in several recipes and if one of those recipes ever shows up on here, you will know what I am talking about. Also, this works great for vacations and hotel stays. A few years back when I stayed at a hotel, I brought along my rice milk powder. Right before I needed milk for breakfast cereal, I mixed a little powder with water and wah-lah! Rice milk!
I live in a fairly large metropolitan area and rice milk powder is hard to find for me. I have never seen it at Whole Foods (oddly, they never heard of it either-at least not my location). Out of all the little shops I have frequented over the years, I have only seen it at one shop where the price was exorbitant. So, your best bet at finding this at a reasonable price is at Amazon.
Disclaimer: This post is not a review of a particular brand of powdered rice milk. The picture above is simply to give an idea of a product. I was not paid for or asked to write this post.

You can also get Vance’s DariFree, a powdered milk substitute made from potato. I have used it with success in recipes that call for powdered milk.